Wednesday, October 30, 2013

National Novel Writing Month 2013!!

It's that time of year again! The time of year where I hole myself up in my room and type until my fingers bleed! NaNoWriMo is fast approaching with its much anticipated arrival in just two days! For those of you who don't know, I will be spending the entire month of November typing away, screaming, and probably crying, while I take another attempt at a novel! I've done this every November for the past 7 years. I've yet to win a single NaNo, but, just like every year before now, I feel like this year can truly be my year!

So when November rolls around and you're wondering why I haven't left my house, answered any of my calls, and cry uncontrollably, DON'T PANIC. I'm not back in a psychiatric facility or having a nervous breakdown, I'm just trying to pull out my inner author and losing my soul in the process. I'll be back to normal as soon as December hits. :)

Tomorrow I will be attending my FIRST EVER Kick-Off Party here in Austin. It starts at 8, so I'll probably still be in costume from being with the kids, but I know of others who said they will be, too. I'm considering taking photos, but I don't know just yet. There will be a guest speaker, food, and plenty of coffee, tea, and caffeinated beverages to keep us up and running from midnight until 2am. If I do take pictures, I will definitely be posting them. :)

See you soon and enjoy this joyous season!

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