Friday, November 23, 2007

Today is J's 24th birthday. He bought himself a new computer. :) He is much pleased. You should go wish him a happy birthday.

I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. We do not celebrate Thanksgiving unless we are down with relatives, so J caught some z's and Lily and I had chili dogs while I also fed Iris.

Things have settled pretty well here. I'm terribly sleep-deprived for the most part and the house is a mess, but it's normal. You clean and five minutes later a two-year-old human version of a torando comes through and fucks shit up. *sigh* Got to love that kid, though.

I had to reschedule the appointment for the preconception consultation to a Monday. :( J's days off (though he hasn't hasd one since he went back to work) are now on the actual weekends, but the latest appointment they had on a Friday was 10:30 in the morning. Not happening. I'm hardley out of bed by that time since that's when Iris eats and regardless, it's 40 minute drive to the hospital. J is home by 9. Not gonna happen. Oh well, at least it's schedule and at least we'll go when the time comes.

It's very quiet here and that's odd. J is already asleep, Lily is busy messing with her zipper and Iris is staring off into space...

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