Friday, January 01, 2016

New Year's Goals 2016

I never really do 'resolutions.' They've always been goals set that I wish to have met by the end of the year. This year sucked. I was not very motivated and had a lot of struggle in just my every-day. I met, probably, one or two goals out of the original seven.

Here are the goals (and their reasons) I have set for this year:

  1. Lose 40 pounds (approx. 18.1 kg/ 2.9 stone) by the end of the year.
    --This is health related. With as large as I have gotten with my petite bone structure, the extra weight is causing much pressure in my joints, creating endless pain. On top of that, I'm developing diabetes and have changed my diet accordingly. My doctor says that even 15 lbs would help, but I need to be able to keep up with my kids and my life. For me to achieve this goal by the end of the year, I would only have to lose 3 to 4 pounds each month, which is easily doable
  2. Finish Memoir
    --I have been working on this for the last three years and still haven't finished typing it up. I would really like to be done with it so that I can have it published. I really feel like it has an audience.
  3. Graduate and become License
    --I have the grades to graduate just fine, but do I have the skills to become a licensed cosmetologist? We'll see. In the next couple of months I will be taking my written State Board exam and my practical exam about a month or so after. I should be crossing the stage by June/July.
  4. Start my Career
    --This relies heavily on how goal #3 pans out.
  5. Move
    --I live with my mother, and though the arrangement is mostly suitable, I would really enjoy having a place of my own. This is my mother's place and it has rules. Unfortunately, some of those rules cause me distress sometimes. I can't openly practice my Pagan faith in her house, or bring a lover home, etc. Plus, I need more room for when I have my children over. Being cramped in one room (though everyone has a place to sleep just fine) is not how I wish to spend quality time.

So far, that is all I've come up with. I'm quite sure that something else will come along, or an obstacle or two will surface, but until then, well wishes, and a happy new year.