Tuesday, October 31, 2006

May it be a blessed day.
For those who have children and are trick-or-treating, may they be safe.

This picture is not finished and it pisses me off. I got suggestions from several people (thanks, by the way) but couldn't find anything that suited my uber-picky needs. Le sigh. Oh, well, this is what you get.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Happy Halloween and Merry Samhain

Sunday, October 15, 2006

I went to church last week and enjoyed it very much. I was a bit apprehensive at first. I had decided to let Lily stay in the nursery and spent the entire service paranoid that my daughter's stranger anxiety was going to cause a stir downstairs. It never did. When I went to the nursery to pick her up she was running people over in a walker and having a good time. I follow my daughter when it comes to feelings. This was definitely a good sign. Afterward, we had coffee and I was able to meet with M, the head coordinator of OCUUPS, and some other members of the church. I enjoyed being there. I felt welcomed and intend on going there regularly. I would be there today, but I have been stricken with a massive allergy attack and half of my face has been affected.

I feel different somehow. I know I haven't changed recently. However, things still feel different. I like to think that maybe resetting my goals and holding on to my faith is what is helping me. I was "in the broom closet", as they say, for a long time. Now that I am openly Pagan, not only to my peers but my family as well, I feel as if there is nothing to hide; a weight has been lifted. I do not feel constricted or sophicated. I am not hiding. Most of my insecurities have gone in oblivion. I may not have changed in the physical, or even with random things such as what I do in routine every day, but spiritually there is a siginificant alteration in the way that I am viewing life and accepting my battles as well as my blessings. I guess the feeling had to come sooner or later. There are several times in ones life that one must beseech oneself to reorganize ones goals and outlook in life. I'm bettering myself, and my family of sorts, and that is all that matters at this point.

Maybe these are just the ramblings of a tired girl. No matter how hard I try I still find difficulty in sleeping soundly at night.

I sent in my financial application for school. If I get a response soon, I'll be starting next quarter in December. I've decided to get my degree in Information technology (same as J's). His is Database/Web Programming while mine is Web Development. I hope I'll be able to focus and not botch it like last time.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth. Umberto Eco

I have found a church in town that the website deemed interesting. I was able to call and request some sort of transport to and from the building. A woman called today and we made plans to meet at 1030 Sunday morning to head to service. It's a Unitarian church about a half hours time from home. There is a large Pagan community attending and I was invited to partake in a few of their gatherings. Friday 13 October I will meet with them at the Village Inn if things go according to plan. I'm hoping to join the Samhain ritual on the 29.

I've applied to go back to school. J and I will both have the Pell Grant and will be alternating days for classes. I'm not quite sure what to major in right now. I want to do something that will help me in the workplace but won't make me miserable doing it. I was thinking something along the lines of digital imaging or the like, early childhood education, or commercial photography. Classes start in December.

I'm thinking, with going back to school, that I should restart my role-play journal hermi_jane. I haven't written anything in a while. A very long while. I most enjoyed playing someone else other than myself.

Things are a bit hectic. Money is tight and Lil is wreaking havoc to a point where I'm exhausted at the end of the day. I don't sleep well; I've stopped taking naps due to my restlessness. J is stressed as well. He's been grinding his teeth in his sleep and his blood pressure has been high. Today we spent the day outdoors and in the local malls. It was nice to spend family time outside of the apartment. We bought some books to entertain us. One book each.

On a lighter note, I've at least lost ten lbs since I arrived here. My smoking has gotten worse, but it's the only thing that will help me not binge on food.

I'm hoping to get hired somewhere. I've place applications in fast food restaurants nearby, but to no avail. I'm tired and broke and my Mary Kay isn't going as planned. I had put up yortiz_maryk in hopes that it would help, but alas, it hasn't. Maybe some day soon. It doesn't help that I can't find a babysitter, either.

I have a $500 court fine to pay, due to me being stupid this summer, and I have no way of paying it.


Karma's kicking my ass.